10th International Conference on Computational Management

HEC Montréal, 1 — 3 May 2013

10th International Conference on Computational Management

HEC Montréal, 1 — 3 May 2013

Schedule Authors My Schedule

TAP Plenary 2

May 2, 2013 09:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Location: Banque de développement du Canada

1 Presentation

  • 09:00 AM - 10:00 AM

    Game Theory Explorer - Software for the Applied Game Theorist

    • Bernhard von Stengel, presenter, London School of Economics and Political Science

    We describe work in progress on a software tool for creating and analyzing noncooperative games, part of the GAMBIT project. The Game Theory Explorer (GTE) is a browser-based graphical user interface. It allows to create game trees with imperfect information, or games in strategic form. The Nash equilibria of the game are computed and displayed "at a mouse click". The talk will give a demonstration of the software, outline its underlying algorithms, and discuss managerial challenges of the open-source software development of GTE with the help of student volunteers supported by the "Google Summer of Code".
