Journées de l'optimisation 2022

HEC Montréal, Québec, Canada, 16 — 18 mai 2022

Horaire Auteurs Mon horaire

WA1 - Tutorial IV

18 mai 2022 10h30 – 12h10

Salle: Walter Capital (bleu) Anciennement BDC

Présidée par Sara Séguin

1 présentation

  • 10h30 - 12h10

    Modelling Decarbonized Electricity Markets in Northeastern North America

    • Pierre-Olivier Pineau, prés., HEC Montréal

    Meeting our climate goals will require fully decarbonizing electricity generation, while at the same time electrifying many energy end-uses in most consumption sectors (building, transportation, industry, agriculture). The power sector will increasingly rely on variable renewable energy (wind, solar) and electricity needs could double or triple by 2050. Simultaneously, consumers will gain in flexibility through decentralized energy resources (DER), allowing them to produce, store and potentially trade electricity. They will become “prosumers”. These trends create new planning challenges for the power sector, as traditional models do not have the scope and depth required to adequately identify the best solutions. Through the case of Northeastern North America (Ontario, Québec, Atlantic provinces in Canada, and New York and New England in the United States), this tutorial explores various modelling issues: regional market integration, uncertainty in future scenarios, load profiles and prosumers’ incentives.
