Journées de l'optimisation 2024

HEC Montréal, Québec, Canada, 6 — 8 mai 2024

Horaire Auteurs Mon horaire

MA1 - Tutorial 1

6 mai 2024 10h30 – 12h10

Salle: Walter Capital (bleu)

Présidée par Jérôme Le Ny

1 présentation

  • 10h30 - 12h10

    Mean Field Games and Applications

    • Dena Firoozi, prés., HEC Montréal
    • Shuang Gao, Polytechnique Montréal

    This tutorial provides an overview of the theory of mean field games (MFG), a powerful framework for finding approximate solutions for large population stochastic dynamic games. The tutorial includes a concise introduction to the MFG theory and the MFG equations, and then explores applications in various domains, notably finance, aiming to equip the audience with a solid understanding of the MFG theory and its diverse applications.
