HEC Montréal, Canada, 2 - 4 mai 2011
Journées de l'optimisation 2011
HEC Montréal, Canada, 2 — 4 mai 2011
TC9 Théorie des jeux et applications III / Game Theory and Applications III
3 mai 2011 15h30 – 17h10
Salle: Ordre des CGA du Québec
Présidée par Pietro De Giovanni
4 présentations
15h30 - 15h55
The Game Theoretical Effects of Border Tax Adjustments
The model looks at the optimization of two different governments and their respective firms. A Border Tax Adjustment (BTA) parameter is modeled to represent by how much in percentage a country may adjust for differing carbon taxation policies. Results find that a BTA parameter of 50 percent yields the highest total welfare.
15h55 - 16h20
Effects of Vertical Mergers from a Dynamic Point of View
In addition to an efficiency effect, vertical mergers also have a competitive effect. Mergers are long-run decisions and we study how both effects evolve over time. For this reason we use a non-cooperative differential game for three different vertical structures. The model sheds light on the effect of a vertical merger on process innovation, output and price.
16h20 - 16h45
An Assessment of Contracts’ Coordinating Power in Supply Quality Management
We consider a two-echelon supply chain involving one manufacturer and one supplier who collaborate on improving both design and conformance quality. We show that although a revenue-sharing contract enables the manufacturer to effectively involve the supplier in quality improvement, it does not allow for perfect coordination resulting in the quality that can be achieved by a cooperative supply chain. We thus suggest a reward-based extension to the standard revenue-sharing contract, to ensure system-wide optimal quality performance. Importantly, we find that the supplier would be better off adopting a reward-based revenue sharing contract and refusing a standard revenue-sharing contract, while the opposite would be true for the manufacturer.
16h45 - 17h10
Overcoming the Drawbacks of a Revenue-Sharing Contract Through a Coop Program
In a marketing channel, shifting from a wholesale price contract to a revenue sharing contract (RSC) is not payoff-Pareto-improving because the retailer is myopic. We demonstrate that offering a support program lessens the negative effects that a RSC creates.