HEC Montréal, Canada, May 6 - 8, 2013
2013 Optimization Days
HEC Montréal, Canada, 6 — 8 May 2013

TB11 Horaires de personnel / Shift Scheduling
May 7, 2013 03:30 PM – 05:10 PM
Location: Gérard Parizeau
Chaired by Guy Desaulniers
2 Presentations
03:30 PM - 03:55 PM
A Two-Stage Approach to Solve Multi-Department Shift Scheduling Problems
We present a two-stage approach to solve multi-department shift scheduling problems. The first stage solves the problem in an aggregate way to identify a good transfer scheme between departments. The second stage uses this scheme to construct daily schedules for employees.
03:55 PM - 04:20 PM
Shift Scheduling and Activity Assignment with Employee Preference Satisfaction
A two-phase column generation heuristic is proposed for multi-objective shift scheduling and activity assignment to work shifts. Controlled by a parameter, the minimized costs in the first phase can be slightly increased in favor of higher and more balanced employees satisfactions with respect to individual preferences for different criteria in the second phase. M-MACBETH software is used to quantify preferences over the alternatives for each criterion and over the criteria themselves.